Sunday, June 10, 2012

a day in the rain

Coming home from college is hard, but not nearly as trying and emotionally terrible as being separated from the dear people you now share your life with.  After 35 outlandishly long days, I finally reunited with dear, dear friend who is too lovely for words. There's almost no way to describe the emotional relief that comes feeling familiar and comfortable with someone who has been so strongly missed.  We met in the middle and spent the soggy day frolicking through downtown, ruining our sandals, sneaking onto yachts, dancing across the street, holding hands, and feeling so thankful for a lasting and loving friendship.

Optimism on a rainy day is one of my favorite things.
My heart considered exploding it was full of so much joy. 

Beyond beautiful and so very dear to me

Sneaking onto beautiful boats
and pretending it's not illegal

This lady is a chronic dancer and it's like a contagious disease that has, unfortunately, spread to me. When she chooses dancing over walking, she only appears more graceful and beautiful. This is not the case when I join.  But that doesn't stop us from taking an entire minute to get from one side of the crosswalk to another.


To say that this outing was refreshing would be a gross understatement, but there are no other words to describe the rejuvenation I now feel after filling my heart with so much sunshine.